A SaaS platform to ingest complex, dynamic, structured or unstructured healthcare data. Combine that with cutting edge ML, NLP algorithms and Smart clinical indexing to effortlessly create custom apps for providers, payers and patients.

RapidRAF risk analytics app built on top our Sentinel platform computes risk scores based on HCC (Hierarchical Condition Category) codes, identifying prospective risk adjustment opportunities in the form of suspected conditions which are not identified or documented. RapidRAF's cutting edge technology helps automatically process thousands of charts, claims, unstructured text files and derive disease codes (ICD10s), cross map it to HCCs and computes RAF scores. All these can be done with little to no manual intervention. Our ML, NLP and ElasticSearch capabilities allow important information to be easily identified, searched and presented, for better care delivery as well as to run efficient operations.
Healthcare Analytics
Data analytics to model risk, alert patient deterioration, identify care gaps, predict patient behavior & stratification has helped our customers get ahead of the curve.
Population Health Management
Ingesting structured and unstructured data churns out actionable insights and successful population health management. Custom analytics dashboards for effective value based care opportunity gaps directly improved revenue streams for customers.
Our cloud solution designed based on partnership with medical coding and billing vendors helped close care gaps positively impacting quality scores. Our expertise in HEDIS & STAR rating analytics is reputable.
Our team has stretched the capabilities of FHIR and created FHIR based apps. Having enabled FHIR interface for healthcare organizations we helped push data into collection apps. We posses deep understanding and implementation experience on FHIR HAPI servers.

About us
We are a team of doctors, data scientists, architects, entrepreneurs and innovators with one belief
"Effortless healthcare for free and fun"

sales@fhit.io- Silicon Valley, CA